Play a Simple Game That Proves Telepathy Is Real
I tried the game and I was simply amazed!

By playing a simple game, you can prove to yourself and your friends that telepathy is a real thing. I tried it when I was about 12 years old and I still can’t believe it to this day. The story happened in the ’90s, in the middle of the decade.
I was interested in paranormal at that time, reading every magazine I found at the newsstand. This fascination for mystical things was fueled by my own spiritual experience, about which you can find more details in my article about the nun dressed in white:
As a kid, I used to remain alone at home when my parents went to work. Our neighbors were a married couple with five children, three of them being close to my age. These kids came often to me when my parents were at work and we used to play together.
We played various games, just like any kid of the ’90s. One day when our parents were at work, I had an idea of playing a game I read about in a paranormal topic magazine that my father used to buy weekly. The article in the magazine was actually about how you can test your telepathic abilities by playing a game. This game can be played by two people, but four or more are recommended.
Game rules
Each player had to choose one geometrical shape and one color for it. You can take this example: one participant chooses a red circle, another player chooses a green square, a third player chooses a blue hexagon and a fourth player chooses a yellow triangle. You are required to use simple shapes because it is considered you are a beginner in telepathy.
Remember this: none of the players knows what shape and color the other ones have chosen. The choice is made by all players in their minds, secretly.
It takes a little patience, quietness in the room, and concentration to get results. You need to persevere. Eventually, you should be able to do it.
A telepath is an emitter-receiver
My first role was to be a receiver of the “data” transmitted. The first shape I received was square. It took a few minutes to come into my mind. I told the sender, and he confirmed that his shape choice was a square. Now I had to “read” the color. After focusing for a minute, I perceived it successfully.

When you receive the shape, your mind is like an empty canvas. In a way, you try to imagine a shape, but not fully. You allow the shape to appear itself and then you look with the eye of the mind, and you see it for a second or two. You still get the feeling you have imagined it, but you didn’t. You are receiving information in energy form, that takes shape as you get it.
The next step is to visualize its color. The more you focus, the more it will appear, not fully clear, but it will give you a hint. In the end, you will know…it’s a green square (that was my case).
It’s more like you become aware of the shape than something visual. Then, your mate confirms it…you are amazed.
Really? It did happen, yes! And when you see that the other pairs of players are succeeding too, you are out of words…
If it would have happened only to myself, I would’ve believed I am the only one with telepathic abilities, but it happened to the others too. Was this because we were children and children have their abilities still fresh? Maybe, but the article in the magazine was basically for grownups.
We tried repeatedly with different colored shapes that we had to “guess”. It worked in more than 90% of the cases.
My final opinion
The conclusion is this: I can tell you that telepathy is a real thing. It just has to be developed and used. From what I have seen, anyone can do it. You just need to exercise it. You should try this yourself, I recommend it!